Missing focus

Frank Leidenberger, chief digital officerat BWI, talks about the state of digitisation in the Bundeswehr. He explains that the goals set in 2017 have not been achieved yet. He continues by naming 2 reasons for this being the case. First, he states that money was and is a key problem because even with the large…


Lieutenant General Dr Ansgar Rieks, Vice Chief of German Air Force, talks about the next generation weapon system (NGWS) and the future combat air system (FCAS). He explains that there are two key components to realise this project: First there must be the operative idea that was born to combat an enemy with immense anti…

Stoltenberg on German contribution

In a visit to Berlin this Tuesday NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked Defence Minister Boris Pistorius for Germany’s significant contributions to NATO and strong support to Ukraine. Stoltenberg praised Germany’s considerable contributions to NATO deterrence and defence at a time when Russia’s war in Ukraine has caused the greatest challenges for our security in…

14 German Leopard for Ukraine

Today, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will supply Leopard 2 main battle tanks to the Ukrainian armed forces. He said this was the result of intensive consultations between Germany and its closest European and international partners. “This decision follows our well-known line of supporting Ukraine to the best of our ability,” said Chancellor…

Third Wave Artificial Intelligence

Technology is ready for “Third Wave Artificial Intelligence”, specialists say. After First Wave, where humans programmed the what-if-algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) simply used these, and Second Wave, where humans fed AI with data and it found statistical correlations by itself, Third Wave aims to develop an AI that is not restricted to one specific…

Contract on the new Bundeswehr assault rifle

Bundeswehr is – finally, after a long procurement process – getting a new standard assault rifle. Yesterday, representatives of the management of manufacturer Heckler & Koch and project managers of BAAINBw met at the German procurement agency BAAINBw in Koblenz to finalise last contractual details. From 2026, Bundeswehr will receive G95A1 assault rifle as a…

Benchmark German Sanitätsdienst

Major General (MD) Dr Stephan Schoeps, Deputy Surgeon General of the Bundeswehr, speaks about the high quality in healthcare personnel at the Bundeswehr that was established in the 1990’s and the switch in structure that is currently being planed and worked towards. The goal is to create a paramedic division. A task that comes with…

Frame contract for CROWS

U.S. Army continues to enhance their Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations (CROWS). A 5 year frame contract has been awarded to American Rheinmetall Systems. Within this contract precision subsystems including high-definition image stabilized EO sensors (day cameras), weapon mounts and other critical assemblies can be delivered to support the Army’s CROWS Program. CROWS systems allow…

Upgrade of the French CN-235

As part of modernization of the French Air and Space Force a contract to upgrade the avionics on French CN-235 tactical transport and logistics aircraft has been awarded to a consortium formed by Sabena technics and Thales. The 27 twin-turboprop aircraft will be upgraded with state-of-the-art avionics to allow integration into general air traffic, significantly…