08:00 Opening of the Exhibition / Registration

08:30 Announcements, National Anthems

08:45 Welcome to the Congress

Dr Eva-Charlotte Proll, Editor-in-Chief and and Publisher Behörden Spiegel Group & Wolfgang Hellmich, Member of Parliament and Spokesman for Defence Policy of SPD in the Defence Committee, German Bundestag


Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Germany & Margus Tsahkna, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Estonia

09:45 Interview / Q+A by the Auditorium, chaired by

Dr Eva-Charlotte Proll, Editor in Chief and Publisher Behörden Spiegel Group

  • Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Germany
  • N.N., Minister of Foreign Affairs, Partner Nation

10:15 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., Bechtle
10:35 Coffee Break


Ukraine: Showcase for Prevailing Sovereignty, Freedom and Democracy in Europe

  • Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine
  • N.N., High Representative for foreign affairs and security policy, EU
  • N.N., Secretary General of the OSCE
  • Barbara Woodword, Ambassador UK to the United Nations
  • N.N., NATO

12:15 Keynote Congress Partner

Dr Christoph Erdmann, Secusmart
12:45 Lunchtime
15:45 Coffee Break

16:15 Keynote Congress Partner

Dr Germar Schröder, PwC

16:35 Keynote

General Carsten Breuer, Chief of Defence Staff, Germany

16:55 High-Level Military Forum: Deterrence and Defence in and for Europe

Chair: N.N.

  • General Carsten Breuer, CHOD Germany
  • General Janne Jaakkola, CHOD FIN
  • General General Wiesław Kukuła, CHOD Poland
  • Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, CHOD United Kingdom
  • General Valdemaras Rupšys, CHOD Lithuania (or successor)
  • General Thierry Burkkard, CHOD France

18:00 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., Leonardo

18:20 THE MIDDLE EAST SPECIAL FORUM: What should be done now and what are the effects for Europe?

Chair: Dr Tobias Lindner, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany

  • N.N., High-Level Member of the Jordan Government
  • N.N., EU Special Representatives for Middle East
  • N.N., NATO
  • N.N., High-Level Member of the Government of Israel
  • N.N., High-Level Member of the Government of Egypt
  • Daniel Shapiro, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for the Middle East, Pentagon USA

19:30 Dinner, Buffet / Networking
08:00 Opening of the Exhibition / Registration


Boris Pistorius, Minister of Defence, Germany & Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence, Estonia

09:45 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., Boeing


75 years of NATO: Keynote Secretary General, Q+A

10:35 HIGH-LEVEL INTERVIEW: NATO’s Military Way Ahead

Chair: Hans-Lothar Domröse, General (ret), Former Commander Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (2012–2016)

  • Admiral Rob Bauer, Chairperson Military Committee
  • Admiral Sir Keith E Blount KCB OBE, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe
  • General Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation

11:35 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., Airbus

11:55 Keynote

Carl-Oskar Bohlin, Minister of Civil Defence, Sweden

12:30 Reserved Time Slot

12:50 Lunch

15:30 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., Eviden

15:50 Keynote

Dr Ursula von der Leyen, President European Commission


Chair: Michael Gahler, MEP

  • N.N., EU Commissioner for Defence (Industry)
  • Charles Fries, Deputy Secretary General for Peace, Security and Defence, European External Action Service
  • Jjiří Sedivý, Chief Executive EDA
  • General Robert Brieger, Chief, European Military Committee
  • N.N., NATO DSecGen or Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy

17:20 Keynote Congress Partner

N.N., ELT Group

17:40 HIGH-LEVEL MILITARY FORUM: The Way ahead in Defence Planning

Chair: Nana Brink, Member of the executive Board Women in International Security Deutschland (WIIS e.V.)

  • Lieutenant General Andreas Marlow, Vice Chief of the German Army and Commander Basic Military Organisation
  • Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, Chief of DEU Air Force
  • Major General Stefan Lüth, Chief of the DEU Joint Support and Enabeling Service
  • Rear Admiral Tobias Abry, Chief of Staff Naval Command, Germany
  • Vice Admiral Dr Thomas Daum, Chief of DEU Cyber and Information Domain Service
  • Major General (MC) Dr Ralf Hoffmann, Chief of DEU Armed Medical Service
  • N.N., Chief of Service, Partner Nation

18:40 Closing the Congress

Dr Eva-Charlotte Proll, Editor-in-Chief and CDO Behörden Spiegel & Wolfgang Hellmich, Member of Parliament and Spokesman for Defence Policy of SPD in the Defence Committee, German Bundestag

Panel A1: Human Resources, Recruitment and Conscription

Chair: N.N.

Introduction: N.N.

  • Brigadier General Vesa Valtonen, Chief of Personnel Finnish Defence Forces
  • Dr Wolfgang Zink, PwC
  • Commander Sune Lund, Chief Recruitment Ceneter, Danish Personnel Agency
  • N.N., Personnel Management Office of the Federal Armed Forces
  • N.N., The Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency
  • N.N., DBwV
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel A2: Land Forces

Chair: Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, Chief DEU Army

Introduction: N.N.

  • N.N., DEU/FRA Cooperation, Capability Development, MGCS
  • N.N., Thales
  • N.N., Italy
  • N.N., IAI
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel A3: Capabilities for Cyberspace and Information Technology Forces (blocked only for Cyber CDR)

Chair: Vice Admiral Dr Thomas Daum, Chief of DEU Cyber and Information Domain Service

Introduction: N.N.

  • N.N., Cdr Cyber Command
  • N.N., Members of the Baltic Cyber Commanders Forum, BCCF

Panel A4: Strategic Competition in Space

Chair: Major General (ret.) Reinhard Wolski, Chairman BSC

Introduction: N.N.

  • Brigadier General Cipelletti, Chief of Space General Office, Italian Defence Staff, Italy
  • N.N., U.S. Space Command
  • N.N., PwC
  • N.N., Space Command, Sweden
  • N.N., CIR
  • N.N., Media Broadcast Satellite GmbH
  • N.N., Vyoma

Panel A5: Military Research and Development

Chair: Annette Lehnigk-Emden, President BAAINBw

Introduction: N.N., Moody’s

  • National Defence University Taipeh
  • Prof Dr Wolfgang Koch, Chief Scientist and Head Sensor Data & Information Fusion, Fraunhofer FKIE/University Bonn
  • Alexander Schott, Director Research and Innovation Hub, MOD, Germany
  • Colonel Richard Stridh, Director Research, Sweden
  • N.N., EU
  • N.N., DTEC University of the German Armed Forces Munich
  • N.N., Quantum Systems
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel A6: The Use of AI in the Military

Chair: Prof Dr Stefan Pickl, UniBw-M

Introduction: N.N.

  • Lieutenant General Bruno Hofbauer, Deputy CHOD Austrian Armed Forces and Capability Director, AUT
  • Lieutenant General Prof bin Muhammed, Malaysia
  • N.N., Latvia
  • N.N., CIR
  • N.N., Netherlands
  • N.N., CIT MOD Germany
  • N.N., CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co KG
  • N.N., DefSecIntl Solutions
  • N.N., Capgemini

Panel A7: Women in International Security (tbc)

Chair: Silvia Petig

Introduction: N.N., MBDA

  • WIIS Partnernation
  • Irene Felini, NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security
  • Charlotte Isaksson, Genad Defence Staff, Sweden
  • Major Soren Glargaard Rich, Gender Adviser of the Defence Command, Denmark
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel A8: Troll and Bots – Disinformation Campaigns and Methods against them

Chair: Colonel Dr Ferdi Akaltin, Commander, German Armed Forces Centre for Operational Communication

Introduction: N.N.

  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Latvia

Panel B1: The Role of Air Forces in Multi Domain Operations

Chair: Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, Chief DEU Airforce

Introduction: N.N., Lufthansa Technik AG

  • Major General Jonas Wikman, Chief Airforce, Sweden
  • N.N., KPMG
  • N.N., Boeing
  • N.N., Netherlands
  • N.N., Airbus

Panel B2: Capabilities for Naval Forces

Chair: Rear Admiral Tobias Abry, Chief of Staff Naval Command, Germany

Introduction: N.N.

  • Rear Admiral Henrik Ryberg, Chief Danish Navy
  • Rear Admiral Ewa Skoog-Halsum, Chief SWE Navy
  • N.N., Damen Naval
  • N.N., Italy
  • N.N., Kongsberg
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel B3: NBC-Defence

Chair: Colonel Stephan Saalow, Cdr Commando NBC-Defence, DEU

Introduction: N.N.

  • Colonel Thomas Lamke, COM CBRN-Center, Sweden
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel B4: National Civil and Military Home Defence in Article 5 Operations

Chair: LtGen André Bodemann, Chief of the DEU Territorial Command

Introduction: N.N.

  • Colonel Peter Fausing, Commander of the Regional Defence Forces West of the Danish Home Guard
  • Dr Nils Förster, PwC
  • Rear Admiral Novak, Military Advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security, USA
  • Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank, Commander Joint Support and Enabling Command
  • Brigadier General Jami Virta, Commander Brigade Pori, Finland
  • N.N., Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs, Germany
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel B5: Capabilities for Medical Services

Chair: Major General Ralf Hoffmann, Surgeon General of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, DEU

  • Flottila Admiral (MC) Juha-Petri Ruohola, Surgeon General of the Finnish Defence Forces
  • Frank Dürrbeck, PwC
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

Panel B6: Digitalization (tbc)

Chair: Lieutenant General, Michael Vetter, Head of Department CIT, MOD Germany

Introduction: N.N., Bechtle

  • N.N., Rohde & Schwarz
  • N.N., Infodas

Panel B7: How to accelerate procurement and armament

Chair: Dr Hans-Christoph Atzpodien

Introduction: N.N., GDELS

  • Major General André Denk, Deputy Chief Executive of EDA
  • Prof Dr Heiko Höfler, PwC
  • Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, National Armaments Director, MOD Germany
  • Lieutenant General de Tuesta, National Armaments Director, France
  • Lieutenant General Luciano Portolano, Secretary General of Defence/National Armaments Director
  • N.N., Procurement agency (FMV), Sweden
  • N.N., OCCAR
  • N.N., Schmidt & Bender
  • N.N., Patria

Panel B8: Resilient and secure cloud solutions for military Forces

Chair: Frank Leidenberger, CEO BWI

Introduction: N.N.

  • N.N., Microsoft
  • N.N., Congress Partner
  • N.N., Congress Partner

speakers requested