A new era, changing era or – in German – Zeitenwende is needed in Germany. And it is needed on several levels: strategically and mentally. This was emphasised by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at last year’s Berlin Security Conference (BSC).

The new national security strategy, which is currently being developed, will help in this regard, Chancellor Scholz said with conviction. The guiding principle of this strategy will be an integrated security policy in which the various dimensions of security will be more closely interlinked. According to Scholz, this would definitely include the obligation to provide assistance within the framework of NATO, the expansion of Germany’s defence capability and the strengthening of internal resilience. The latter includes, among other things, the protection of critical infrastructures (CRITIS) against cyber attacks. Germany is currently still vulnerable in this area. In addition, it is important to further diversify supply chains.
Looking to the future, the Chancellor announced that the Bundeswehr would contribute even more personnel and material to NATO’s engagement. Among other things, the Federal Republic will take over the leadership of the Alliance’s rapid reaction force in the coming year. And it will do so by acquiring new F-35 fighter jets.
Marco Feldmann, Editor