On June 5, Behörden Spiegel and PwC held a Pre-event in preparation for the Berlin Security Conference (BSC, November 29-30, 2023) in Düsseldorf. After a keynote speech by Minister Nathanael Liminski of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the topic of implementing civil-military cooperation in the federal and state governments was addressed in a panel discussion chaired by Dr Charlotte Proll (Editor and CDO Behörden Spiegel) and possibilities for effective cooperation in crisis, disaster and defence were highlighted. Key questions were, for example, how successful civil-military cooperation must be structured or how cooperation within the framework of military support services in civil protection can be improved.
Participants on the panel were experts from authorities, crisis teams, professional organizations, and the Bundeswehr. Involving the audience in the well-filled lecture hall of the PwC building, an engaged discussion developed, which shows that this topic is highly topical and has arrived in society and politics. Therefore, this topic will also be addressed and explored further in a panel at BSC 2023.
The next pre-event for BSC 2023 will take place on October 9 at the PwC building in Munich. The topic is: “How do we translate military research results more quickly into defence projects”. If you are interested in this event, please contact the coordinator, Thomas Greggersen. (thomas.greggersen@behoerdenspiegel.de) M.: +49 (0) 173 234 0134.
Jonas Brandstetter, editorial staff