The R&S®CA210DNG RF signal detector from Munich-based Rohde und Schwarz is being launched with integrated artificial intelligence for automated COMINT.
The AI-based deep learning technology enhances the R&S CA210 signal analysis software. By using AI, the software automatically performs most routine COMINT tasks. Consequently, the analysts deployed no longer have to deal with this task. In addition, the company promises that the new solution’s deep learning technology will improve detection in dense RF signal scenarios. Detectors based on spectral energy often reached their performance limits in such scenarios. The new detector, on the other hand, could detect amplitude modulation (AM), single sideband (SSB) and carrier signals with higher reliability than pure energy detectors could. The improvement is therefore of great interest to COMINT operators engaged in fully automated RF signal monitoring in broadband RF signal scenarios, he said.
Jonas Brandstetter, editorial staff